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Gunite & Shotcrete Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do you offer that red spirolet nozzle tip shown on the the top of the page?Unfortunately we do not. This nozzle tip has been very popular over the years for its durability. With high rigitity, it offers the service life of a steel nozzle (almost) but also gives a unique spray pattern that gunite contractors have prefered in the past. The Spirolet company has basically shut down making this a real supplier issue. At GSW, we have not been able to source the spriolet nozzle, at least to date.
Can I insert pictures in my FAQ?Yes! To add a picture follow these simple steps: Enter App Settings Click the "Manage Questions" button Click on the question you would like to attach a picture to When editing your answer, click on the picture icon and then add an image from your library
Can I insert a video in my FAQ?Yes! Users can add video from YouTube or Vimeo with ease: Enter App Settings Click the "Manage Questions" button Click on the question you would like to attach a video to When editing your answer, click on the video icon and then paste the YouTube or Vimeo video URL That's it! A thumbnail of your video will appear in answer text box
How do I edit or remove the "FAQ title"?"The FAQ title can be adjusted in the settings tab of the App Settings. You can also remove the title by unchecking its checkbox in the settings tab.
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